You can do it.

Proven processes, research-based practices, and timeless principles of performance for ascending  careers, families, and personal life.

What you need to know about me (and you):

We all want a better life.


I do the same things that you and everyone else does: I breathe in and out and try to make life better for myself and others. You may not think about it in those terms, but that's what you do. Why do you go to work? Yeah... to make life better. Why do you give up your time when your friend or child needs you? Yeah... to make life better. And why, when you've finished your mid-life crises and decide that you don't need to chase after success or money or whatever it is... why do you simplify and take a new look on life? Yeah... to make it better. It's not bad to want better, it's good - it's part of who we are, and better IS out there - the problem is that too often we don't define better using the right criteria.

  There is a right and a wrong. Relativism only exists at the "choice" level, not at the  "consequence" level. The consequences of choices are bound by principles - things that are at work whether we know it or not and are not bound by circumstance, subjectivity or time. In fact, after lots of trial and error I've finally learned that the best way to make life better for myself IS based on one of those universal laws or principles: to make life better for others.  

Life is directly impacted by the organizations around us.

Since ALL of our life is spent being a part of some sort of social organization (from the family to the place or thing we usually just call "work"), I've been PASSIONATE about learning and practicing to make all of those organizations better in hopes that it will help us have a better life. And you know what, I was right (you were probably right too!). It doesn't take a scientist (though I am one) to figure out that improving the organizations we are a part of requires that the people in the organizations improve as well, so its like winning the daily double - You get two things for one: People developing and the group they are a part of (anything from a partnership, family, all the way to an entire nation of people) also developing, and they support each other in that development.

Your personal leadership is critical to that "better" you're looking for.

  So I started learning everything I could about leadership, with the thought that leaders make or break those organizations that we are all a part of, and after more than 30 years of studying, researching and being a leader, I've come to know some really important things that will both improve our individual lives and make our organizations (families, businesses, countries) well, BETTER. 

And I'd liked to share them with you.  

fulfilling ways we can work together to Support Your Climb:

Contact Me

Make a request or pick my brain - If I'm not the right person, I'll steer you to someone else that can be of better support. We're all in this together.

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I know you're busy, but let's take some time to talk about what it is you want to be different about your career, your family... your life!